Ghost Gamer (40 Servings)
Ghost Gamer (40 Servings)
Ghost Gamer (40 Servings)

Ghost Gamer (40 Servings)

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Ghost Gamer has been 'modded' to supply brain-boosting nootropics and natural energy to ensure you're razor-sharp for an evening of gaming. Stopping you from drifting to sleep in a Verdansk battle, on the pitch at Old Trafford or at the wheel of your souped-up supercar.

Designed by professionals and with various epic flavours to select from, Ghost Gamer aids overall focus, energy levels, decision making, and productivity. Gamer is also great for use as general low-calorie energy drink to get you through that Monday morning meeting or boring lecture.

Included in its full disclosure formula is nooLVL, a patented ingredient exclusively made for Ghost Gamer. Being the first dietary ingredient of its kind to be studied in eSports, it was found to significantly improve visual attention, accuracy and reaction time. GAME BETTER. GAME SMARTER. GAME GHOST.

GHOST® Full Disclosure Label
    1600MG nooLVL® (per two scoops)
      1000MG L-Tyrosine (per two scoops)
        500MG Cognizin® (per two scoops)
          150MG Natural Caffeine (per two scoops)

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